Crown Alert crown saver system reduces the risk of crown strikes. Crown Saver Is a reliable & economical approach to derrick safety and is fast to install & easy to operate with very low maintenance. The early buzzer warning keeps your crews & equipment safe.
All of the control panels come equipped with extra plugs capable of processing other alarms, such as low boiler pressure, floor saver, trip tank overfill, Eaton/Baylor brake monitor, accumulator pumps/BOP monitor, torque makeup and telescopic derrick extension limit.
Crown Alert Crown Saver System set a new standard for crown safety in the oilfield. Over 50 contractors and over 500 rigs rely on Crown Alert to keep their crews and equipment safe. Designed by rig hands in 1997 the Crown Alert Crown Saver has 18 years of field proven reliability.
Mustang Controls and Crown Alert now offer the Top Drive Anti-Collision System!!!
Mustang Controls provides an anti- collision system to work in conjunction with your Crown Alert Crown Saver and apply the brakes to avoid a collision. The anti-collision system provides an adjustable window of protection around the monkey board but still allows for a full range of movement when picking up from the mouse hole. The Anti-collision System can easily be added to your existing Crown Alert System and can be installed during a rig move.
Crown Alert is Sold & Serviced by
Mustang Controls Ltd.
Wayne Brown
Rig Manager
Akita Drilling Rig 44UE
(6700 m capacity)
"When working with the blocks close to the crown, my eyes are focused on the drill string or the weight indicator. The buzzer alarm is a great way to know how close the blocks are to the crown. I know exactly how much room I have."
Loewen Woroschuk,
Rig Manager
Jomax Drilling
"I love the Crown Alert system. I haven’t had a single service call in 8 years and no crown incidents." more testimonials